How to use the “Facebook Pages to Watch” Feature to track competitors.
Read on and then watch my instructional video below:-
I call this… stalking the competition, it’s ok to do this and perfectly acceptable as why else would the feature be there to use? By watching your competitors pages on Facebook through Insights, you will be able to spark new ideas for your posting strategy and also see how another page performs in comparison with yours.
What is the “Facebook Pages to Watch” feature?
The Facebook Pages to Watch feature allows you to see the activity, engagement and audience growth of other Facebook Pages. This information can be a useful benchmark for your own page and help you to see where you can tweak your pages posting strategy. Facebook will show you the 5 best performing posts for the week (or less if there have been less posts).

So lets do this – to add pages to your “Facebook Pages to Watch” simply:-
1. Go to Insights
2. Scroll right down to the bottom of the page
3. Enter in page name you want to watch
4. Add to watch-list
5. Continue to add until you have at least 5 pages to follow
Key points for using this feature:-
1. You must have at least 100 fans on your business page
2. You need to add a minimum of 5 pages to watch
3. You can watch up to 100 pages using this feature
Each week you can go into Insights and check out how other pages are performing against yours. There’s some valuable information in the statistics based on the weeks performance including, how many page likes this business has, percentage increase in likes, number of posts and post engagement.
So by watching other Facebook pages, whether in your niche or not, can inspire a new content strategy for yourself. Below is a video to guide you through this process. Happy stalking everyone.
Follow me on Facebook for more tips and tricks.
I love the idea of using the "Watch" feature to keep an eye on competitors! It’s a great way to stay inspired and learn from what’s working. If you’re planning to create content based on those insights, I’d suggest checking out https://www.movavi.com/learning-portal/free-video-editing-software-for-mac.html. It’s easy to use, and it’s perfect for adding effects, transitions, and polish to your videos, helping you stand out even more!